04 January 2014

The Annual Zolman Christmas Party

I absolutely L.O.V.E. Christmas time and it's not because of the presents.  I love it because you just get to sit back and enjoy spending time with loved ones.

We started our holiday festivities with the annual Zolman family Christmas Party.  Julia hosted it this year at her house and she couldn't have planned a better party (seriously, JU thank you!)  It has to be slightly nerve wracking to have 18 little rugrats running around your house and I have decided that I am going to try to be more like Julia in the future. Calm, loving, and happy in every moment in life.

When the kiddos were getting a little too rambunctious, we went out and sledded down a fabulous trail just steps outside their front door.  After sledding the nieces and nephews put on the nativity story.

 I absolutely love this picture.  Look at Asher's face.  It shows that pure joy feeling of sledding down a hill. So much fun! 
The Nativity
thanks Julia for such a great party!

1 comment:

Julia M. said...

Thank you for taking those pictures!!! They are darling. I am so glad that your oils seem to be helping you--it's important to feel like you can sleep and enjoy life!!

We have so much fun when you are around. I'm grateful for your positive influence! One day you can so host the party:) I thought it was a blast.