09 June 2013

graduation! (included with picture of Grandpa jumping, this will make your day)

I graduated from the blessed university of Utah State :)

Unfortunately, I was student teaching the semester before I graduated so I wasn't able to attend all of the Senior activities and free food handouts....I'm over it (eventually, haha!) BUT...to make up for lost activities I went to every graduation activity they had that day.

The morning of I got up early, curled my hair with a curling iron (doesn't happen often,) dressed up in my graduation get up and met on the Quad at Utah State University with a lot of the other students who were graduating.  They had the BIG commencement services in the morning where anyone who wants to attend can, and then they had my specific college (College of Agriculture) ceremony later in the afternoon where I actually got to walk and receive my cloth diploma holder :)

I decided to go to both ceremonies and I got to walk all along campus with Pomp and Circumstance playing on the loud speakers and family and friends of everyone cheering us on along the way.  DJ got up early with me and stood in the line up and hollered suppa loud when I walked by (I love that boy!)

The whole Harlan clan drove up for the festivities (Grammy and Grandpa included) along with the greatest in-laws in the world (Dave and Sheila Zolman!)  I am so blessed and lucky to have such a wonderful support system and so much love in my life.  Mom and Papa Harlan have been the most loving, funny, and supportive parents eva!

DJ was there to support me the entire day and couldn't stop mentioning to everyone (waiter at restaurant, friends we saw along the way, and random people on the street while we were driving) that I was graduated.

I love him and his crazy moments.

Here are some pictures for you to gobble up.  We had some fun taking jumping pictures and my grandpa was overly ecstatic when he saw us taking them and wanted to do it...haha!  That picture will go down in our family as a precious heirloom, I love it so much!

 Mama and Papa Harlan, Grammy and Grandpa, the hubby and I

The walk across campus

All of the girls in FCSE that graduated, they are going to be amazing teachers!

Mama and Papa Zolman

The Harlan Family :)


Julia M. said...

I LOVE the jumping photos. Congrats on graduating. That's such a big deal. You are amazing.

Briana said...

Ohmygosh i love this post so much. That pic of grammy and grandpa is the BEST. Now if only Dave and Sheila had gotten in on the jumping action...

Joy Girl Hailey said...

MY LONG HAIR!!!! WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH why did I cut it? BOOOOOO you should've stopped me!