06 June 2013

honduras part IV

When we returned from our lovely 2 day beach vacation we  met up with a bunch of people that DJ served with in Honduras.  After that we went to a HUGE cultural event at the Olympic Stadium in Tegucigalpa.

Needless to say...it.was.awesome.

We felt so much happiness and inspiration from all of the teenagers and their leaders that had practiced for months and danced the night away.  The show was absolutely incredible!  I love the latin culture.  Everyone there was so full of life and energy.  They have an amazing faith in Jesus Christ.

The next morning we woke early and drove to the Tegucigalpa Temple for the dedication.

This building is gorgeous!  There is such a sweet peaceful spirit that you feel when you are in the temple.  Those of you not of the LDS faith (aka Mormon) have probably heard some crazy rumors about what goes on inside of an LDS temple.  The reason there are so many rumors is that no one talks about it.  That's because we feel that it is sacred and we hold our experiences in there very precious.  All that we do in temples is make promises with God that we will live righteously so that we can return to live with him.  Family is very important to us and so we do the same work for our ancestors that are dead so we can all live together forever :)  It's a happy thought.

While we were in the temple I couldn't help but feel overwhelmingly happy as I sat next to my sweet husband.  He is so wonderful!  I am so grateful and happy that we were married in the temple so that we can be together forever.  That is one of the best blessings of being LDS.

We have eternal families!  I cannot wait to spend eternity with DJ. 

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