26 September 2012

our new home and spray painting tutorial

Being newly married is the best!  Over the next couple of weeks/months I will be updating the blog and turning it into a blog about our (Deej and me) life.  We both have decided to try to always look on the bright side of life so this will be our blog where we post about the exciting and happy things in life.

This past week we finally got around to painting our hodgepodge of furniture.  Our apartment is this tiny Keebler elf apartment (which we absolutely love!) and all of our furniture was this darker wood so....we decided to paint it and lighten the room up a bit.

spray paint furniture tutorial

We were a little skeptical about using spray paint, but it worked perfectly.  If you buy a good quality spray paint it works just as well as regular paint and it gets into all of those little nicks and crannies that are difficult for brushes (we used Rust-O-leum spray paint.)  We bought a spray paint primer and lightly primed all of our furniture, this was to prevent the varnish from making the paint sticky.  We also didn't want to have to sand all of our furniture so the primer helped.

An hour after spraying the primer, we started painting the color.  To start out, make sure you shake the paint can enough, about 1 minute.  If you are spray painting furniture, hold the can about 1-2 feet away from the surface you're working with.  DO NOT hold it too close, if you do there will be too much paint in one area and it will start to run.  If this happens it's difficult to get rid of those lines and streaks.  As you are painting your color, slowly spray the color evenly moving back and forth (or up and down) SLOWLY and in the SAME DIRECTION.  If you miss spots, just lightly touch them up with a small squirt of spray or paint another layer over it.  We only did one coat of color, (it worked perfectly because it made the bookshelf look slightly discolored and antiqued) but you could do more.  The amount of spray paint that we needed our book shelf used about 2 cans and only 1 can for the blue table (see picture) and we used 2 1/2 cans of primer for both of them 

Spray paint is a wonderful easy way to get a new look for a room.  

If you have any questions about spray painting furniture just comment or email.

Here are some pictures for your enjoyment

It was so fun to be able to spend time together and make our apartment look more organized and cute :)

I also love Halloween!  This is the beginning of my little Halloween decoration shrine

1 comment:

Briana said...

CUTE!!! ...And I finally found your blog :). Spray painting is the best! I did a shelf and the dresser knobs and had no complaints!