06 December 2012

hiking in the fall

I'm going to be better at blogging to keep everyone who loves us informed on what we are doing.

This post is a post I was going to post (try saying that 10 times fast) 2 months ago  

Since I've been busy beyond belief I'm posting it now, enjoy!

Fall is one of my favorite times of year.  I love the colors, I love the chill in the air, and I love scarves!

DJ and I decided to go on a local hike up the mountains.  If you are ever in northern Utah and are able to do the Crimson Trail hike, do it!  It was absolutely beautiful and breathtaking.  It's a bit rough (almost straight uphill for the first half) but it's worth it! 

quote from husband: "I'm out of breath because you keep taking my breath away."

I am so lucky to be married to such a sweet and thoughtful husband.  He's a good sport too because we got rained on and by the end of the hike we were soaked.

Here are some pictures:

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