02 November 2013

Briana and Adorable Hannah Lu

For the past 2 weeks, Briana and sweet Hannah were in Utah visiting Grandma Trina, Papa Dave, and the Harlan family.  The one downside to having an awesome job is that you can't just take time off whenever you want so I didn't nearly enough time with them but the 2 days I did get to spend with them were so precious.

Briana is such a great friend, confidant, sister, and listener.  I just love having her around.  She uplifts me and inspires me.  Ever since we were little, she has always been a great example to me and to this day I strive to be as amazing as her.  Plus, she is absolutely gorgeous!  She inspires me to cut my hair short short.

Hannah is just getting so big, it's crazy.  I cannot believe how fast time flies when you live your busy day to day life.  The entire time Hannah just talked and talked.  Most of the time we had no idea what she was saying but her little high-pitched sweet voice just touches my heart and I have this immense love for her, Briana, and Tyler.  I am so blessed to have such an amazing family included with such great sisters. I learn something from each of them every time I'm around them.

Here are some pictures from our times together this Fall.  I'll post some Halloween pictures soon.


Julia M. said...

What incredibly beautiful women! Holy moly. And Hannah is to die for. Sisters are totally amazing, huh? I love you!

Briana said...

Camille you are so sweet!!! Thanks for taking time out of your busy busy schedule to see us. Glad I was an inspiration to you even when I was covering you with pillows and spraying you with spray bottles (wait that might have been Hailey...) Anyways, I'm glad you survived childhood so that we can now be best friends!!! I love you and miss you. Thanks for the gorgeous pics! xoxo