26 October 2014

As of late.....{one year later}

So....it's been about a year since I've updated everyone on our lives on our lovely blog.  I guess that means we've been too busy :)

This past year has been CrAzY (that's the only time I will justify typing a text like that.) We purchased our first home, DJ applied/interviewed/got accepted/started GRAD school, I switched schools and added a new subject that I'm teaching, I fell in love with Yoga, we cut down and almost ripped out 7+ trees (trunks included) in our yard, I started a small photography business, we're blessed to be the uncle and aunt of 3 new nieces and nephews, celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary, and overall have just been living life.

We are finally getting some painting done in our house, hanging things on walls and adding our own personal flair of home decor skills and it's starting to feel more like home.  We are so grateful for our families and the blessings that we have.  DJ is a non stop working GRAD student.  His GRAD program consists of 7 students and they do not allow any of them to have outside jobs and for good reason.  He puts well over 20+ hours of homework time a week and sometimes feels like his brain is going to explode with information but he is loving it.  I am amazed at his dedication and passion for therapy and how well he handles the pressure.  After 2 years of being married, I still haven't learned his stress handling skills :)

I am still teaching foods and nutrition and absolutely love the drama and energy of high schoolers (most of the time :). I've labeled myself the "obnoxious nerdy" teacher that has daily conversations with my students that go like this,

Me- "Alright, each team will have 10 seconds to choose a team name GO!.....(10 seconds later) Team 1 what's your name?"

Team 1- "Team EBOLA!" (class erupts into laughter)
Me- as I write Ebola on the board "Too soon guys.....too soon.  Team 2 what's your name?"
Team 2- "Team H1N1"
Me- "Touché young viruses, touché."

I am loving having a house and decorating to my hearts content each time I find a killer deal.  Despite our sewer backing up twice into our basement and cleaning up sh*tty water we have loved living here.

Some of our recent adventures was a Halloween party we hosted for several couples in our neighborhood.  We are trying to get to know more people and make friends so we decided having a Annual Zolman HAlloween Party was the way to do it.  We had delicious food, spooky music, and pee your pants laughter games.  

Here are some pictures for you:

I feel like this blog post is like a yearly Christmas card with me typing what we did this past year but DJ and I are going to try and be better at posting more often. As for now, enjoy your sugar filled candy and food this Halloween season, we most definitely will :)


Amanda said...

I LOVE it!!! You two are so adorable, and traditions are so fun to start! Updates are fun to read no matter how far apart:)

Julia M. said...

You are seriously the cutest couple ever. It looks like your Halloween party was a blast! I love all those costumes. Who says costumes are just for kids?! Not me. I love you. I wanna come see your house again soon.

Briana said...

Hooray!!! SOOO happy for this post! Love it and love you! Your guys' costumes are aMAZing <3. Love you guys and so excited for Christmas break! woot!