13 May 2013

honduras part II

Our honduras journey started early in the morning.

We flew out of Salt Lake City and headed towards Dallas.  We landed in the Dallas airport in the early afternoon and were picked up by DJ's sister Melissa and her adorable 4 kids.  We had an 8 hour layover in Dallas so Melissa and the kids packed up a picnic (homemade chocolate chip cookies included!) and we went to a park and just played for 6 hours.

So fun.

I really miss being a kid.  We played tag on the playground, threw a frisbee around, played kickball, popped a kickball, played kickball with a flat ball, and DJ even got buried deep in sand.

I'm the second oldest in my family and only have one niece that is 9 months old.  DJ is the youngest of 9 children in his family and has 22 nieces and nephews.  I am so happy that I married into such a fun large family.  I love that I instantly got 22 nieces and nephews and that they all love me as Aunt Camille :)  Melissa's kids are so adorable and so fun!

At the end of the day we hopped on a tram around the Dallas airport (did you know that the Dallas airport is bigger than the island of Manhattan?!) and then boarded a plane for Miami.  We arrived in Miami late, got to our hotel, and crashed.

The next morning we awoke early, ate a delicious breakfast and loaded a plane to Tegucigalpa.  As we started our descent our excitement level rose and we could not help but grin from ear to ear.

We then felt the plane start to go back up......

there was a thunderstorm in Tegucigalpa so we rerouted to San Pedro Sula (the worlds most dangerous city), sat in our plane for 2 hours, refueled, and 3 hours later finally landed in Tegucigalpa.

We were met by the Raudales family who drove us around to visit people in Monte Fresco.  We met people, walked around,  drove to the temple, helped unload chairs, went to our hotel and slept peacefully.....

we were finally in honduras

1 comment:

Briana said...

ohmygosh so CUTE!!!!! thanks for the posts!!! i love love love 1) the beach pics 2) your style!!! dang, you are a hottie. I love you and i love that you guys went to honduras xoxo

p.s. can you change the font on your blog? i'm getting old and can't read it very good :/