04 July 2011


today I was talking to someone and I very apologetically apologized for being tired and a bit of a bore today. he responded "you should apologize" I hope he was joking because I'm still a bit socially awkward at the moment and I couldn't come up with any witty response.

I realized that I apologize for far too many things especially things that truly have no consequence or meaning to anyone.

here I am though, yet again, apologizing to you lovely people for being blogging MIA/gone/lazy/buzy/boring (you choose your preferred excuse). Not that anyone truly cares if I write a blog post or not but here you go. I'm sorry.

maybe I'm more apologizing to myself. I love blogging. I love the blogging friends and world but for some reason...
don't ask me why
my blogging has been, well...none existent.

Sorry self. I promise to do better and make your life seem more magical and "blogger friendly"

watch out for some serious bloggin' goin down this summer.

love you all


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Sometimes we haven't done any thing wrong, but we apologize. Sometimes we have done something wrong and we don't apologize. We never know what to do. we never know when to do.

I visited you're blog for the first time and I enjoyed reading it. Specially: "If you judge people, you have no time to love them."
I joined your blog;)